Thursday, January 30, 2003

Yesterday I rode the trainer for 45 minutes in the early morning. This morning I ran 5 miles at 5:30 am (in 33 degree weather.) I am determined to get back on my regular workout schedule. I need to lose a veritable "ton" of weight before my March 22nd indoor triathlon. I am disappointed at my massive weight gain since my marathon but I know it is only temporary. I guess I have to stop telling people Krispy Kreme donuts are on my recovery plan.

Today's Joke: "A happy the worst possible preparation for life." ---Kinky Fiedman

Trash TV Update: Apparently Joe Millionaire's "Ms. Goody Two-Shoes" had an interesting film career prior to being a finalist on "Joe Millionaire." The funniest thing is how terrible a judge of character Evan really is.

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