Monday, February 12, 2018

What are you running from?

I've been trying to start running again. Running is good for your heart, your mind, and your soul. Running helps you lose or maintain weight, it sends oxygen to your brain, and expands your lungs.

Even with all of those benefits, it is hard to make myself run.

This morning I walked/ran two miles. I do my best thinking while running/biking or swimming...unfortunately its kind of hard to write anything down during those activities...especially swimming.

A sense came over me that I'm not so much running towards anything at this point in my life. I know I'm pretty sure I'll never win my AG or probably not even medal in a race.

This morning it felt like I was running AWAY from something. Maybe it was a sense of laziness, being tired of not being active, tired of making excuses. Guilt from feeling like I'm aging exactly in the manner I was afraid of...getting fatter and slower. Running from FOMO after seeing all my social media friends post updates of bike races, runs, and triathlons. All of those fears and doubts are demons that poison my ambitions. So I guess I felt like I was running away from demons.

What demons are you running from?

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