Thursday, June 04, 2015

Be more productive by following the simple rule of 3

I've read dozens of self-help books searching for the elusive magic bullet for becoming more productive. What I've learned is that there are hundreds of list of the Top 10 or Top 15 things you should do every day...go ahead and Google the top things you should do and you'll see these long, long, lists.

I don't know about you but I function best by keeping things as simple as possible. I've found that it's best to focus on just the three most important things you have to do at any one time.

Little did I know that there is research about this subject as well. They call it "The Rule of 3" and it is based around the concept that we function best around that number of things. In fact, Steve Jobs either innately or purposefully based his presentations around three. It is also a basic writing and oratorical concept:

Take a look at this great productivity blog for starters and start practicing your own "Rule of 3" today. Let me know what it does for you:

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