Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sunday morning progress update

Kicked off today bright and early at around 5 am after another on/off night. Sleeping about 2 hours at a stretch now. I had to take painkillers (2x5mg Oxy) at 4am because my shoulder was just really aching deep inside the joint. It had been over 18 hours since my last dose though so that was encouraging. I hope to be completely off the Oxy in another day or two...switching to Motrin/Advil if needed.

I did my PT exercises with Elizabeth's help. Theyre not much right now, merely 15-20 degrees of external rotation at 90degree elbow followed by 90degrees of anterior lateral raise at 180 extension. Then I did several minutes of light stretching movements along with my shoulder blade shrugs.

Elizabeth replaced my 5 standard bandaids with water proof versions so I could take a shower. She found the site of the incisions quite revolting, which I don't really's just pinched and stitched skin. Afterwards, I was able to easily take my first shower since Tuesday, although I could only wash my body and hair with my left hand. I kept wondering how much luckier I am than those veterans who lost limbs traumatically and have to deal with the aftermath of such losses for the rest of their lives. I really DO have so much to be grateful for and SO LITTLE to complain about.

I'm still super motivated to get my fitness back now. I WANT to become fit again to the point of being able to compete at a high level in strength and endurance events. I want to do cross fit, to lift heavy weights, to be ripped, to complete obstacle races and marathons again. I want my active life back! These are where my friends are and I miss having a support group. I want it back!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday morning thoughts

Last night I felt positive for the first time in what seems like weeks. It might be due to a sudden realization that I needed to change my mindset.

I decided that I'm going to be a winner in 2018.

  • I'm going to get into phenomenal shape, the shape of my life, because I have so many advantages and really no excuses, other than lack of effort.
  • I will be lean, mean, and agile
  • I love the way I feel when I am exercising and healthy

I'm not going to be a victim of my circumstances, in fact, I'm going to create better circumstances. 

I've been reading and absorbing motivational writings and sayings for years. Repeat them enough and they become your inner voice. Here are some that come to mind:

  • "(Forget about) motivation, just start!" David Goggins
  • Every time you decide, you're cutting something off completely. In fact, the Latin root of the word means 'to cut.'" Tony Robbins
  • "Identify your MIT, your Most Important Task, and make sure it is the first thing you do every day." Kevin Kruse
  • "Become the person you want to attract."
  • "Eliminate the negative and toxic people in your life."
  • "It's not about being like, it's about being influential." 

Blink XT2 Thumbnail Failed Fix

Well, this is a bit frustrating. I have one outdoor Blink XT2 camera from Amazon which I installed about a year and a half ago...or maybe tw...