Monday, April 29, 2013

What if I don't fail?

A few months ago I attended an excellent presentation by an inspiring leader in the direct selling business. The gist of it was, get over your fear...take action. Sure, you may fail. But what if you don't?

Yesterday while running that phrase came back to me in a big way. As is often the case when doing something uncomfortable...alright, painful, I have to pysch myself up to keep going. 

I realized I have to keep running instead of stopping. What if I just keep running even though my aching legs tell me to stop?  I will be prouder and happier with myself and feel better about my upcoming triathlon race.

l also realized I can apply that question towards any aspect of my life when facing a decision on whether or not to take action.

For example:

  • I'm afraid to call that difficult customer because he might think I'm being a pest. But what if he gives me another order?
  • I'm afraid to tell my neighbor about this great new product I'm using because he'll think I'm trying to push it on him. But what if he wants to try it and it helps him?
  • I'm embarrassed to share what I'm doing with a close friend because he might ridicule it. But what if he thinks its pretty cool that I'm trying to better myself?
  • I'd better not start that business because I might lose my life savings. But what if I don't? 
  • I'm not going to sign up for that half-marathon, what if I can't finish it? But what if I can?
  • I'd better not try and fix the car myself because I might not be able to figure it out. But what if I can?
Most of our fears are irrational but hold us back. Next time you are afraid to try something, think about the opposite of your fear happening and dwell upon that! Attitude can be a very powerful motivator!

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