Thursday, January 24, 2013

24 day challenge: day three

Today is the third day of my 24 day weight loss challenge. I've lost about 2 pounds total so far. I don't know whether this was a good idea but I also hired a triathlon coach and started working out just yesterday with him.
I'm doing Ironman Arizona in November which is only about 11 months away so I hired a coach to get me into shape in a hurry. Actually I'm not worried about finishing but truth be told my ego wants to finish certainly and under 16 hours but definitely under 14 hours and if I can finish under 13 hours even better I know guys who are in really good shape Billybrook 1012 hrs. so I have no delusions that I'm going to be able to break 12 hours however maybe 13 maybe 14 I think I'll be happy if I can break 14.
So that being said I guess I'm not terribly concerned about losing weight for the next 24 days but I am concerned about working out consistently getting through these workouts and getting enough sleep and getting enough fuel in my body I figure the weight-loss will come naturally.

After all right now my body is at an unnaturally heavy weight. For the longest time I was at about hundred 95 pounds probably for the last six years. Just in the last few months I have let it creep up to close to 200 pounds. My goal is to get down to about 170 pounds but also to be very fit lean and strong at that way I don't want to look emaciated or week or have a lack of energy at that weight.
My coach sent me today's workouts last night and they are too bad I think he's ramping me in slowly. Today I have to cycle and swim.
I rode the trainer for an hour. He broke up that our into 10 minute segments of accelerations and recoveries which I really liked.
The pool work out the 1500 yards looks to be kind of similar with a warm up some drills simple buoy and cooldown I'm really looking forward to getting back in the pool

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