Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pelosi is the worst liar ever

Or maybe I should say the best one?

The House passed an 812Billion dollar "stimulus" bill yesterday. The breakdown includes something like $111B for "medical" related spending. The majority of it is for Medicare/Medicaid. How much for science and technology? $16B.

The American people should be absolutely outraged at this!

To top it off, our illustrious, and bi-partisan speaker of the house, Nancy ($32M dollar) Pelosi had the nerve to go on the morning shows touting it as a victory for the average American. She is still harping on the fact that we've already "given" $700 to the banking industry. Oh and she also took credit for catching Citigroup trying to buy and $50M jet and then canceling the order. What a piece of work she is.

I wish she would crawl back into whatever crypt she escaped from!

Read for yourself:

By the way, it's 647 pages of bureaucratic bull.

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