Thursday, February 06, 2003

WORKOUT LAND: I did a 6 mile track workout last night in 35 degree weather. Know what I am sick of? Getting all tired and sweaty but still having frozen fingers and toes. I am also tired of working out by myself. I've been training since August by myself which violates the common rule of "find a training partner." Everyone in the office here in Nashville is big, fat, lazy, and full of excuses. The funniest thing is that most of the fat people claim they cannot run due to bad knees or ankles. How come none of our President's or fit celebrities have bad knees or ankles? Even most ex-NFL players still run to stay in shape. I believe it is easier to sit around and pretend you can't run than to lace up your shoes and get out there. I never ran more than a mile in my life until I was 32. Then, at 36 I ran a marathon (well, jogged it really.)

My parents have a treadmill in their basement. When my uncle, a runner, saw it for the first time he was incredulous (my paren't live on a long, tree-lined quiet street with few cars, perfect for running.) He kept saying "Thank God for our treadmill. The roads here are so bad!" They don't even use the treadmill, by the way.

TRASH TV LAND: These are some telling comments from one of Joe Millionaire's former girlfriends. Apparently his stupidity is really not an act:
"He was very eye-catching -- when he walked into a bar he caught the eye of every woman. But after you'd spend some time with him and talk to him, it was like, 'No thanks.'
"It wasn't that he was dumb, though he certainly was no intellectual. He just always said off-the-wall things in the middle of a conversation. I'd say something, and he'd come from left field with something, and that was the end of the conversation.
"He was just like he is on the show: 'What?' 'Huh?'
"He didn't say a lot. He's not a sparkling conversationalist. But anything he did say left me in a daze. He always left me feeling very empty inside."

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Blink XT2 Thumbnail Failed Fix

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