Friday, October 28, 2016

Posterior Tibial Tendon Surgery, 10 days post-op, removal of the surgical dressings

My ankle surgery was on a Tuesday (October 18th) and the dressings were removed on the following Friday. Here are the (gruesome) photos for your enjoyment :)

Stapled me shut with about 25 of them!

Lots of bruising and swelling!

Looks pretty awful from this angle! My arch is all swollen and I have pooled blood near my heel. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ankle Surgery Post Op: Day 2

The surgery was Tuesday morning and it is now Thursday morning so it's technically Day 2, but it feels like Day 3. Probably because Day 1 was so long and troublesome. I now know that I can't tolerate Percocet very well at all!

I slept from midnight until 4 am, when I woke to use the bathroom, get a drink, and take two more Tramadol. I read about the 3rd, and final, Presidential debate, then dozed off again at 4:30 until 6:30 am.

My leg aches inside, near the incision, which I haven't actually seen yet. Now that the nerve block has completely worn off, I have to be more careful of movement, to avoid sharp pains - I don't want to risk pulling my sutures at all.

10:30 took my first shower. That was an adventure...a little taste of what life as an 80 year will be like, should I be so lucky.

Blink XT2 Thumbnail Failed Fix

Well, this is a bit frustrating. I have one outdoor Blink XT2 camera from Amazon which I installed about a year and a half ago...or maybe tw...