Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sarah and the Bridge

I don't understand the furor over Sarah Palin and the bridge to nowhere. I guess its actually only a furor to the left as they try and dig up dirt on her. Today some judge from her past has been "discovered" who allegedly warned her not to seek the firing of her brother-in-law. Mind you she was a private citizen at the time.

So here's what Obama's commercial says. Governor Palin supported the bridge to nowhere as a candidate, then was against it.

So where is the problem here? She was running for Governor and supported federal money for projects in her state. Then, after she was elected and did more research, she opposed the bridge but kept the money. It seems like she was looking after her state's best interests.

I think the left may be trying to insinuate a double standard here.

They're probably still upset that Kerry was caught flopping on the war issue. He admitted he VOTED for the war, then voted against it.

There is a big (HUGE) difference between a candidate supporting a project then changing her mind and an EXPERIENCED US Senator voting to declare war!

Monday, July 28, 2008

My Garmin 305 won't turn on or power up

My heart just about stopped today when I went to use my Garmin 305 and it was completely dead. I tried a couple of different chargers and it wouldn't come to life. I went on a bike ride without it hoping it just needed to charge for awhile.

It still wasn't working an hour later. Luckily I found this tip on the gamin website:

You have to hold down the "reset" and "mode" buttons simultaneously then push the on/off button while holding them. It powered right up and all is right in the world again!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

First Compressor and Nail Gun

I finally decided to join the millenials and upgrade for a hammer to a nail gun. This was after years of being in denial, thinking it was a luxury I didn't need, and generally believing most people were still getting by with hammers.

Some recent projects I've done just would have been so much easier with these modern wonders. I recently framed a music band practice room and updated all the mouldings in a bedroom. At least for the bedroom I borrowed a friend's Paslode gas powered finish nailer.

I bought this combination kit after walking by it many times in my local Home Depot:

It was tucked away on an end-cap display with a price reduced sticker. I got it for $99! I checked online and it originally was listed for $249, but I think sold for $199. Anyway, I figured even if the guns are junk at least the compressor looks pretty good and I didn't own one.

Impatient, I used it last night to secure some baseboards in the music room and put up two pieces of exterior siding. I managed to do both without shooting myself. So far so good.

Next I'm going to whip together a dog-house. Should be fun!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What's going on

Gas just crossed (north) of $4 / gallon here in Charlotte. My lifelong talent for good timing continues to amaze me. We bought a Chevy Suburban, the largest land yacht on the market, last summer when gas was a paltry $3/gallon. What great timing.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

iPOD Repair: Changing the hard drive and battery

My stepson's 30GB iPOD video bit the dust a couple of weeks ago. First the hard drive started making a clicking noise and then it failed to synch up with iTunes. I knew right away the hard drive was dying and none of the "reset" or "software reload" solutions had any effect on it.

So I decided to see if it was possible to fix it instead of trashing it. It initially seemed an intimidating prospect. After all their cases are smooth and sealed without a screw or hatch anywhere.

I'd read about the website so decided to check there first. They sell replacement parts as well as do the services themselves. They're probably the best recourse for someone a little to cautious to attempt it themselves. I've never been that sensible however.

After finding out the hard drive details (it's actually a Toshiba Model MK3008GAL) I searched the web for sources. Most of the places I found sell them for over $100. I bid on a few on ebay but kept losing out. Eventually I decided to buy one direct from an ebay retailer who specialized in new replacement parts. I got a battery and a set of case-cracking tools from another ebayer at the same time.

The parts arrived and last Saturday morning my stepson and I sat down to change them out.

The case opening tools are basically two plastic levers with sharp, flat, ends. You work them into the sides of the case and pry gently, them work them around the perimeter until the aluminum back separates from the plastic front. The iPOD then opens like a clamshell. You have to be very carefuly and go slowly because the hard drive will fall out and the ribbon cable connecting it to the motherboard is very delicate. There are two other cables connecting the slider switch and battery from the back to the motherboard.

I opened up the connector on the motherboard that holds the ribbon cable to the hard drive. Then the whole drive came free. We transferred the cable and blue styrofoam and plastic edge covers from the old to new drive. Next we inserted the cable back into the board connector and clicked the connector closed.

The battery replacement was a little easier since the new battery came with a connector cable. Basically we just unplugged the old, plugged in the new, and glued the new one to the case where the old one was.

Working gently, we made sure everything was in place and put the case back together. It snapped together securely and we were off to see if it worked.

We hooked it up to iTunes which prompted us to do a restore and software update. Both worked with no problems and my stepson was able to reload his library. After letting it charge for 4 hours or so he took it on an overnight trip. The next day he reported that it worked perfectly and the battery life was like a new one! Mission accomplished.

Next I'll try and buff out the scratches from his display. Apparently there is a product called "Applesauce" available for $20 from rapidrepair. However, those who know me know that I'll look for a cheaper solution!

Blink XT2 Thumbnail Failed Fix

Well, this is a bit frustrating. I have one outdoor Blink XT2 camera from Amazon which I installed about a year and a half ago...or maybe tw...